Other Pieces

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Healer's Prayer, by Hazrat Inayat Khan
“Healer’s Prayer” of Hazrat Inayat Khan
4×6, $2.25 ea. 

8×10, $21 ea. 

13×19, $45 ea. 

“Prayer for Peace” of Ḥazrat ‘Ināyat Khan
4×6, $2.25 ea. 

8×10, $21 ea. 

13×19, $45 ea. 

Prayer of St. Francis
(Photo ©Mountain Woman Arts, used by permission)
8×10, $21 ea. 
13×19, $45 ea. 
4×6, $2.25 ea. 

8×10, $21 ea. 

13×19, $45 ea. 

“With the thought of love, let me contemplate the world…”
Words attributed to Gautama Buddha
Click image for detail. For full text, click here.
“With the Thought of Love”,
8×10, $21 ea. 

13×19, $45 ea. 

(Photo by Hafizullah)
Advice From a Tree,
4×6, $2.25 ea. 

8×10, $21 ea. 

13×19, $45 ea. 

“For a New Beginning”
(text by John O’Donohue, photo by Hafizullah)
For detail, click image; For full text, click here.
8×10, $21 ea. 

13×19, $45 ea. 
“Zikr of the Cross”
4×6, $2.25 ea. 

8×10, $21 ea. 

13×19, $45 ea. 

“Come to the orchard in Spring” (Rumi)
4×6, $2.25 ea. 

8×10, $21 ea. 

13×19, $45 ea.